Friday, July 31, 2015

Benefits to Awnings and Carports

These are the dog days of summer. We are all tired of the heat, and might be thinking of ways to help to shave some of our energy costs before next year. Adding awnings and carports not only increase the value of your home for resale, but can protect your investment and its contents as well.

Awnings, although aesthetically pleasing, provide so much more than an artistic statement. After choosing your favorite color, texture, material (metal or fabric) and location, you'll notice more and more benefits. For example, your awning will protect your windows and siding from sun, rain, sleet, hail and wind. It will also protect your furniture, floors, and carpets from the fading effects of the sun. The American Association of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers reports that awnings can reduce heat gain in your home between 55 and 77% depending on the direction. That's a lot of energy savings!

Similarly, carports have many benefits as well. Obviously, most consumers buy and install a carport to protect their cars from the weather. However, carports, usually located close to your home's structure, increase your personal safety as well. Some consumers even use their carport as an outdoor room complete with furniture for entertaining. Maybe you are in need of additional storage for ATV vehicles and bicycles, or you'd like to store items from the recent sale of a family estate-simply add walls to your carport to organize anything.

Awnings and carports are a stylish and moderately inexpensive way to solve so many household problems. Call today for a quote.   

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Unified Windows July 2015

Please take a look at our July 2015 ad for specials and discounts.