Monday, November 24, 2014

Christmas Wreaths for Your Doors and Windows

A Christmas wreath adds instant holiday cheer inside or outside your house. From the front door to the dining room, here are some easy ideas for decorating with wreaths.

A Christmas wreath on the front door is a no fail way to create holiday welcome. Choose one in keeping with the architecture of your house. You might select a pine wreath for a cozy country cottage or a classic magnolia wreath for a stone cabin.

Hang a loose casual wreath on a screen door to amp it up for the holidays.

Windows make great back backdrops for wreaths too. For a dramatic look, hang a wreath on every window on the outside of your house. Punctuate with crisp red ribbon and the look is classic Christmas.

Decorate with wreaths inside too. Hang a wreath from a curtain rod over a set of windows to avoid filling the wall or woodwork with nail holes. Held up with long strands of colorful ribbon with ornaments tied to the end, it's a fresh and youthful look for a standard evergreen.

You can also use removable adhesive hooks to apply wreaths to the wall or use tiny nails at the top of your window trim where the holes will never show.

For a playful holiday style, look for wreaths in unusual materials. Try hanging brightly colored wreaths made out of feathers which blend well with retro decor or in children's rooms.

Wreaths can make an impact in some of the most unlikely places. Use them to embellish chairs around your dining table, Use them to dress up a bare beam, or even over a plain mirror. Look for wreaths in unexpected materials like fresh flowers, olive branches, or acorns for a unique effect.

Whether you hang one simple wreath or dozens in mass, you're sure to make a big holiday statement.  For an even bigger holiday statement, contact us for new windows and doors to hang those wreaths on.


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